The new gerneration of Graffiti in Lebanon and middleeast.After Iran and A1one's Legendary Appraoches now we are seeing some bloomings from the lebanon,Egypt and some other Arab countries the Academic institutes paid attention to Graffiti culture and we hope it makes it better than worst.

German Graffiti Writer Don Karl is teaching Lebanese youth to paint with spray and do Graffiti.(the project was done by help of Goethe Institute.also introduced the participants to the techniques, cultural history and social relevance of Graffiti art in the first day. The following two days were drawing and sketching for the young artists to express their thoughts on paper. During the last two days the workshop participants created graffiti on a public wall “Mal’ab al-Muharram, Bahsas” in Tripoli. The theme of the joint artwork was “Culture is dialog”.