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Graffiti Generator/Creator - Make Graffiti More Easily

Graffiti Creator Online,Graffiti generator
The TATTOO of lovers of graffiti often brings pride to the art, but it gives the effect that the fans also wanted to be able to make graffiti even though they have no talent. Precisely because it is a lot of companies vying to create an online application (graffiti creator / graffiti generator) where it will serve to help them create an online graffiti more easily, and will provide various design options for their favorite graffiti pattern, even you will be able to make a graffiti with your name. For that I would recommend some graffiti generator / creator to try, because this is the best.
1. www.graffiticreator.net
2. www.customgraffiti.net
3. www.satisfaction.com/graffiti-creator/
4. www.graffitigen.com
5. www.nygraffiticreator.com

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Cool Graffiti 2013 Version NewGraffiti

Cool Graffiti 2013 Version NewGraffiti. The new year was greeted with graffiti in 2013. See the pictures below regarding graffiti graffiti in 2013. There are some on the walls, trains, tagging letters, there is also the creator of graffiti.

Graffiti creator with a skateboard
2013 graffiti art star style.
Banksy graffiti in 2013.
Graffiti street art in 2013
2013Spit graffiti letters.
Graffiti tag 2013
2013 train graffiti.

Banksy's Influences - Who Inspired Banksy?

Banksy is a pseudo-name for a well-known British graffiti artist. He is believed to be born around 1974 in Yate, South Gloucestershire. He was first involved in graffiti during the great Bristol aerosol boom on the late 1980s. The style of his artwork is mostly satirical piece on topics such as culture, ethnic, and politics. Technique wise, the way he combines both stencil and graffiti is very similar to a French artist Blek Le Rat. His art that appear in cities around the world was first born out of Bristol underground scene involving musicians and artists. His prints are popular with celebrity and singer Christina Aguilera and actor Brad Pitt.
When it started, Blek Le Rat took inspiration from New York's graffiti scenes. It is from this scene that he created his own style by continuously painting stenciled rats around the streets in Paris before going nationwide to Lyon, Marseille and Toulouse.
Banksy has also recognized Blek Le Rat influences in his artwork while also being a big fan of Blek's work. In one of his quote, Banksy said "Every time I think I've painted something slightly original, I find out that Blek Le Rat has done it as well, only twenty years earlier."
On the other hand, Prou admitted that he sees Banksy as a son of his movement in addition to crediting Blanksy for raising his profile while providing him with increased publication that resulted in increased commercial success. In his interview with Sunday Times, Prou said "I consider him like my descendant. He took some ideas. But he changed them. And he took the movement to a huge level all over the world."

Iranian Graffiti

Browsing Flickr I came across several photostreams of graffiti art splashed onto the gray-brown canvases provided by the many modernist apartment blocks of Iranian cities. Many of these sly works of street art are stunningly beautiful, and purposefully mysterious. I can't read the Farsi script, but common motifs among the images are stencils of nature, children staring directly at the viewer, and military munitions like bombs and machine guns. Above: Work by the Tehran-based graffiti artist A1One.

The colors and styles are bright. Provocative. While adopting certain traits of revolutionary leftist propoganda imagery, these works aren't propaganda; they are whimsical, surreal, wry, absurd, as though intended to characterize the surrounding environment as bizzare and lacking humanity.
Top: Tags by Tehrani graffiti artists. (Photo by A1One.) Bottom: An article about graffiti artists in Hamshahri Javan magazine. (Photo by Tehran Post.)

Graffiti is becoming increasingly popular in Iran; the youth magazine Hamshahri Javan
has a spread about the trend with the headline (translated by Persia at Tehran Post) "Graffiti [artists] are not dangerous."

The appearance of this article is interesting. Persia notes that the magazine is published by the Hamshahri Institute, a subsidiary of Tehran's conservative-dominated municipal government, and began publication during Ahmadinejad's term as Tehran's mayor. Does this indicate a degree of official tolerance for the street art trend? How aggressive are authorities in covering up new graffiti? It could well be the case that graffiti artists see their work more quickly erased by the anti-graf police squads in New York than in Tehran.

Graffiti Artists

Graffiti Artists – social commentators, propaganda artists or vandals?
Graffiti art is becoming an increasingly popular medium for self expression in street culture today. The battle between artists and government entities/ land owners is growing as more and more art emerges in and around the city. But are these artists really vandals? Are they destroying the streets or are they simply expressing themselves using a more public and unconventional medium?
While some graffiti, such as tags, are easily judges as vandalism, the more creative and artistic pieces are a more complicated issue. It is still technically vandalism as it is illegally “destroying” another’s property, but some consider it to be urban art. The line is hazy between plain vandalism and art.
Many graffiti artists believe, just like any artist, that their work is a form of self expression. Whether they are speaking strongly about a topic, giving their view on world issues, or creating a visually stimulating artwork, these artists are passionate about their work.
It is impossible to generalize graffiti artist. Although their work is vandalism, and some individuals make their mark simply to vandalize, many artists are just trying to get their voice heard. They want the world to hear their message and they have found a cheap public way to exercise that. This does not however, give them the right to unleash their creativity on another’s property. The battle will continue.

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